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Saturday, August 16, 2014

France is really the world's top tourist destination?

The France well ahead on tourist arrivals 

2013 are used to preliminary figures provided by the World Tourism Organization (unavailable for France)
These performances are from the Grand Paris, leading tourist destination in the world (47 million visitors) to London (35 million), but also by the Rhône-Alpes and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (PACA)

  Where in France benefit most from tourism? 

Maintaining an annual growth of 2% (in terms of realistic forecasts of the World Tourism Organization), the target of 100 million tourists set by the Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, should be achieved by 2022 . progress tourism should be based on the influx of increasingly massive Asian clientele. The Chinese still represent only 2% of tourists, but the figure was up by 23.4% year on year.

Untapped economic potential? 

If there is one figure that the Ministry of Economy is careful not to mention, is that the revenue generated by the influx of foreign tourists. With 20% more visitors, the French tourism generates three times less money than American tourism - which is explained by the demographic importance of the United States, where domestic tourism mechanically produces more revenue.

More worrisome to most comparable demographics, France gets just as much money as Spain, which receives far fewer tourists